How does eligibility work for my Benefits?
Full-Time Employees
Short-Term Disability, Major Medical and Life Insurance Benefits:
On the 1st day of the month after you have worked 6 complete consecutive calendar months.
For example: Hired October 2, work November-April, eligible May 1.
Long-Term Disability Benefits:
On the 1st day of the month after you have worked 12 complete consecutive calendar months.
For example: Hired October 2, work November-October, eligible November 1
What is a Dependant?
DEPENDANT means your Spouse and Dependant Child or Children.
SPOUSE means a person legally married to you and living with you, or a person of the same gender with whom you have lived in a marriage-like relationship for at least one year, or a common-law spouse whom you publicly represent as your husband or wife and who has lived with you for at least one year if neither of you is married, or for 3 years if one of you is legally married.
DEPENDANT CHILD OR CHILDREN means an unmarried, natural, legally adopted child or step child, or the child of a common-law or same gender spouse, who if employed, works less than full-time hours, and who lives with you or is in residence at a recognized educational institution, and who is: under age 22; or
- age 22 or older but less than age 25, and attending a full-time course of education at a recognized school, college or university; or
- age 22 or older and is incapable of self-sustaining employment due to a mental or physical handicap which commenced prior to the child’s 22nd birthday. provided you or your common-law/same gender spouse contribute regularly to the support of such child.
- A child of your common-law/same gender spouse is considered to be a Dependant if the child has resided with you for at least 12 consecutive months.
- Your common-law/same gender Spouse and the children of your common-law/same gender Spouse must be listed on this form. If not listed, or you enter into such a relationship after completing this form, they must be listed on the Administrator’s records for at least 12 months in order to be considered to be your Dependant.
If you need to add a Spouse or Dependant Child to the Plan after registering please contact the Administrator to assist you.
How do I download a Benefits Card?
The new UFCW Union/Maple Leaf Foods Inc. Benefit Plan Portal provides you with secure and ready access to your Plan information and your Benefits Card.
Simply present your Digital Benefit Card to your Health Care Provider or Pharmacist for convenient pay direct claims payment.
To print your card, simply: Visit the UFCW Union/Maple Leaf Foods Inc. Benefit Plan Website Home Tab
- Click Portal Login
- Click Register Here for first time users, enter your name, birthdate and the last 4 digits of your SIN to verify your identity. Next, provide us with your email and add a password. Only Eligible Plan Members can register for the Member Portal.
- Once registered, return to the Portal Login main page and provide your email and password.
- Your Benefits Cards will be available on the right side of your Member Portal dashboard. You can download your card to your digital wallet, print it or email it.
How do I use my Benefits Card?
Present your card to your Health Care Provider or Pharmacist for them to access the electronic pay-direct system.
Using your card allows for immediate claims processing without the need for you or your Health Care Provider to mail in a claim form.
Your Provider will let you know if there is any amount owing.
What are the Prescription Drug Coverage requirements?
The new Manitoba Pharmacare year begins April 1.
- You and each of your Dependants 18 years of age or over must submit your Pharmacare Deductible Letter by May 31 each year.
- If you do not submit your annual Pharmacare Deductible Letter you will not be able to use your Drug Card.
- The Application Form is available on the Manitoba Health website, at gov.mb.ca/health/Pharmacare or at your local pharmacy.
- You are strongly encouraged to select Option A – One-Time Enrolment so you do not have to submit a new application each year.
If you have already signed up, you should receive your new Pharmacare Deductible Letter from Manitoba Pharmacare no later than the second week of May automatically.
If you did not select One-Time Enrolment when you applied for your Pharmacare Deductible you should apply now at the link above.
Sending us the Deductible Letter as soon as you get it, ensures your Drug Card stays active! You will not be able to use your Drug Card, or submit Drug Claims for reimbursement, until you submit your Letter.
You can mail us your Letter, drop it off at our offices at 880 Portage Avenue in Winnipeg, fax it to (204) 982-6080, or scan it and send it by email to mapleleaf@pbas.ca. Please write your SIN on the Letter.
What are the Massage Therapy claim requirements?
Prior to visiting your Massage Therapist for treatment you are required to get a referral from your Doctor. The Doctor must include a treatable diagnosis with the referral. The referral must be included with your claim submission to the Plan.
How do I submit a disability claim?
FIRST: You must apply to all other sources from which you may be entitled to receive benefits.
These sources include:
- WCB/WSIB (if disability is a work related illness/injury)
- Automotive insurance company (if disability is a vehicle related injury)
SECOND: You must apply for Sick Benefits from Employment Insurance (".I.") at the same time that you make an application for benefits from the Benefit Plan. This is done each time you make a claim, because the payments from the Benefit Plan are coordinated with E.I.
THIRD: You must complete and submit to us, within 90 days from your FIRST DAY OF ABSENCE, the enclosed Claimant’s Statement (Form 1), along with the Agreement to Reimburse.
FOURTH: Take the Attending Physician’s Statement (Form 3A) to your physician. Ask your physician to complete the form and mail it to us as soon as possible. If your disability is related to a Mental Health Condition, you must be under the care of a Psychiatrist licensed to practice in your province of residence. Complete a Major Medical claim form and attach your receipt for completion of the medical form and forward the forms to the Administrator.
FIFTH: If your forms are correctly completed and you qualify for benefits, the amount of your benefit will be processed and a payment will be made to you within one week. This process may be delayed if further information is required from your doctor.
How do I sign up for Direct Deposit?
You can take advantage of direct deposit for your claim reimbursements once you have registered as a Member on the UFCW Union/Maple Leaf Foods Inc. Benefits Plan Portal or website and have updated your profile.
You will begin to receive reimbursements by direct deposit 2-3 business days after you submit your request.
To make this process simple, have a blank cheque or direct deposit form from your bank on hand when you register. These documents include all the information required to set up direct deposit.
- Your payments can be deposited into a chequing or savings account.
- If you have another kind of account, please call your financial institution to find out what accounts you can use for direct deposit.
- Alternatively, you can complete the Direct Deposit form on the Public Website and submit it to PBAS either electronically or by mail.
- You can change your direct deposit at any time by updating your information under your profile.
- To remove your direct deposit information, please contact PBAS.
Before the payment has been deposited into your account, you will receive an email detailing the payment. This is called an Explanation of Benefits. With normal bank clearing procedures, your payment should be deposited within 2-3 business days.
Can claims be paid directly to my provider?
If your Health Care Provider is not currently set up to do so, let PBAS know by submitting a Provider contact form on the Public Website or by emailing their contact information to mapleleaf@pbas.ca.
Alternatively, you could direct your Health Care Provider to the website for them to submit themselves.
How do I Co-ordinate Benefits with another plan (COB)?
If you are eligible for coverage under your spouse’s benefit plan or an alternative plan, the primary benefit plan for you will be this Plan.
You can co-ordinate this Plan with another benefit plan to receive maximum coverage.
To do this, you must:
- Submit the claim to your primary benefit plan
- Submit the unpaid portion to the secondary benefit plan, including a copy of the Explanation of Benefit (EOB) and a copy of the original claim form.
NOTE: If your spouse has their own benefit plan, then this Plan will be their secondary plan. If your children are covered under both benefit plans, then please first submit your child’s claims to the plan of the parent whose birth month falls earliest in the year (regardless of year of birth). Once the claim is processed, any unpaid portion showing on the related Explanation of Benefits that accompanies the claim reimbursement is, then, submitted to the other parent’s benefit plan for processing.
Can I view my claims payments on the Plan Portal?
With the launch of the UFCW Union/Maple Leaf Foods Inc. Benefits Plan Portal, all claims paid from launch onwards will display daily so that you always have the most current information about your submitted claims.
You will find Claim History information under the Claims section of the UFCW Union/Maple Leaf Foods Inc. Benefits Plan Portal.
You have the option to print or download the Explanation of Benefits (EOB) for any claim that you have submitted.
This document details the claim information and reimbursement issued according to your Plan rules.
This information is useful if you must submit it to another insurance plan or for income tax purposes.
Additional questions or feedback?
We welcome your questions, feedback and encourage you to share your suggestions. Plan Participant feedback and suggestions will assist the Trustees and PBAS with the future development and customization of your Plan.
Therefore, please take advantage of the Contact us form in the UFCW Union/Maple Leaf Foods Inc. Benefits Plan Portal or use our email and/or telephone number noted below.